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my life? boring

For the last 2 days I was hellping with cleaning the school. My legs hurt a bit but it's mostly my front thighs idk why.

The flood came. My entire school is under water. I'm safe but I don't know when water from taps will be good again. So many people have lost there homes. I'm scared for my friends. Why is this school year the worst. So many dams are brocken, as the time of wrighting this i think the dam in Czechosłowacja Ostrawie has brocken so the school is definitley going under warter again. This is a nightmare. One of my friends city is totally underwhater. Cars are upside down. An enitire kiosk is upside down. So many people have lost so much.

Schools boring but I'm feeling ok (- -)

School barely started and I already want to stop.

I'm rlly bored aaaaaa i also don't want to go back to school :(.

The movie was ok, i dont like how they changes the entier lore just so it can be more kid freindly. The springlock scene was sooooo under my expecation, i thought it wiould be scary ??? and it wasnt ??? uhhh no fun.. Also a montage scene..? Really..? A montage scene for fnaf ???? The suits and visuals were cool but i hate how they aproched it- MATPAT WAS IN IT BUT HE WAS A WAITRESS ???? REALLY ?????? UUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.................